Agriculture and Agribusiness Development
Technical Assistance to Guide the Establishment and Implementation of Agribusiness Development Centres (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries) -2013
The purpose of this on-going assignment is to create a network of Agribusiness Development Centres (ABDCs) as a venue where Business Development Service (BDS) Providers can assist value-chain actors to strengthen linkages and add value to agri-food products. The value chains to be covered include; dairy in Central, meat in North Eastern, grains in Rift Valley and fruits in Coast.
Mid Term Review and Evaluation of the Eastern Africa Agricultural Productivity Program (EAAPP) (ASARECA)-2012
In this assignment, the Group was required to assess the extent at which EAAPP, through its strategic approaches and implementation arrangements, is likely to meet the intended development objectives. Through a survey, the group is expected to evaluate the levels of achievement of the MTR targets of the intended output and outcome indicators of the project.
Analyzing Cross Border Trade in Agricultural Products along Selected Corridors of the Nile Basin Region.(NBI/World Bank)-2011
In this ongoing study the Group is expected to identify potential investments and policy/regulatory actions necessary to promote trans-boundary regional agricultural trade among the Nile Basin region in the efficient use of water resources. The group will also prepare recommendations for investments and policy actions to reduce identified, and to the extent possible costs and constraints to trade.
The Study on Small-Scale Horticulture Development Project-Financial Services and Organizational Development for Ministry of Agriculture (MoA/GoK)- 2011
In this ongoing study the group is expected to document and review the potential financial institutions, review their financial services and products, review existing farmers organizations, propose ways of strengthening these organizations or forming new ones, link farmers organizations to financial institutions, develop and execute capacity building programmes for farmers to absorb credit and effectively utilize it, and organize farmers to enhance their capacity to utilize credit and other financial services.
Preparation of a Five-Year Business Plan for the Proposed Kenya Farmers Agency 2006 Limited (Ministry of Cooperative Development and Marketing) 2007
The government of Kenya identified the Kenya Farmers Agency
as a strategic vehicle through which it could achieve its Strategy for Revitalizing
Agriculture (SRA). The Group was selected to prepare a business plan for
the new agency. Specific duties included:
(i) definition of the new Agency’s vision, mission, core values, goals and
(ii) SWOT analysis;
(iii) analysis of pricing policies, distribution systems and promotional
(iv) identification of inputs supply gaps
(v) identification of the specific strategies for commencing and managing
the business;
(vi) assessment of resource requirements;
(vii) preparation of a composite budget and implementation matrix; and,
(viii) design of monitoring, control and evaluation mechanisms for the new
Study to Establish the Status of Agricultural Sector Reforms with Emphasis to Regulatory and Institutional Reforms (Presidents Office, Planning and Privatization, Tanzania) 2006
The objective of this assignment, currently under implementation, was to carry out a comprehensive review of the agricultural sector reforms that have so far been undertaken in Tanzania since 1983, identify gaps between policy formulation and implementation taking into account the current agricultural context, and propose appropriate measures and approaches to address identified gaps. The outputs of this study will provide Agricultural Sector Lead Ministries and other stakeholders in Tanzania with a comprehensive reference point from where further institutional and regulatory reforms can be developed and implemented.
Uganda Plan for the Modernization of Agriculture
Public Expenditure Analysis; Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and
Fisheries, Uganda
(Uganda MAAIF) 2001
The assignment was carried out in association with Oxford Policy Management Ltd. For the Uganda Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. The overall objective of this analysis was to support the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries in ensuring that all relevant public expenditures were consistent with the principles and objectives set out in the Plan for the Modernization of Agriculture (PMA) and contributed towards the efficient and effective achievement of PMA targets. This involved the review of on-going programs and projects and their expenditures, supporting the development of MAAIF spending plans for priority functional areas, supporting the development of the Agriculture Sector Budget Framework Paper (SBFP) 2002/03, identifying institutional reforms and adjustments to implement spending plans for agriculture and assisting the government in developing a draft action plan for follow-on activities.
Rehabilitation and Expansion Plan for Agribusiness in Kenya (Private) 1995
The Group, working with technical experts from South Africa, undertook a detailed technical, operational and market analysis of the mushroom business in Kenya. Recommendations for the rehabilitation and expansion of farm production and processing were implemented by the client, resulting in a rapid and significant increase in its share of the domestic market for fresh mushrooms.
Agricultural Sector Management Project, Oil Crops Component (GOK/World Bank) 1994/95
This project was carried out by Agriconsult in conjunction with the Agricultural Finance Corporation of India. A comprehensive Oilseed Policy Framework was developed drawing on detailed analysis of the pricing and marketing structure as well as agronomic aspects of the oil-crop industry in Kenya.
Kenya Maize Sub-Sector Study: A Rapid Appraisal Approach (USAID) 1993/94
The Rapid Appraisal study provided detailed information on the maize sub-sector and its participants’ current sources, needs and uses of market information.
Cotton Sub-sector Study (GOK/World Bank) 1990/91
Agriconsult conducted this study to design a new system of cotton pricing and marketing in conformity with Government of Kenya policy decisions to decentralise marketing, liberalise the pricing structure, diminish the role of the Cotton Marketing Board and rehabilitate Kenya's production of cotton. A comprehensive analysis of cotton co-operatives and cotton processing operations was also undertaken.
Agribusiness Survey in Kenya (Private) 1991
Commissioned by the Agribusiness Association of Kenya, this survey involved detailed interviews with agribusiness firms in Kenya particularly those involved in commercial farming, the processing of agricultural outputs and the supply of inputs to agriculture.
Fertiliser Marketing Development Seminar (GOK) 1989
Agriconsult organised this seminar, attended by senior Government officials at Permanent Secretary level, Heads of Ministerial Departments, Provincial Directors of Agriculture, private sector representatives of all donor organisations from countries assisting Kenya in the fertiliser sector including USA, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and development agencies which included the World Bank and UNDP.
Economic Impact Assessment of the Tobacco Industry in Kenya (Private) 1988-1989
The project involved an evaluation of agricultural production, leaf processing, management, distribution and marketing aspects of the tobacco industry in Kenya. Detailed fieldwork consisted of tobacco farmer interviews in all tobacco growing areas.
Fertiliser Marketing Development Program (GOK) 1988
The study assessed the impact of fertiliser supply programs in Kenya, evaluated the policy and procedural changes promoted by donors and the Government of Kenya in the supply and use of fertiliser, and proposed a strategy for the development of an efficient fertiliser marketing development system in Kenya.
Agricultural Policy Assessment Study (USAID) 1987-1988
This one year study analysed USAID programs and projects supporting agricultural policy reforms in Kenya. Specific areas assessed included policies related to the development of grain marketing and related commodities; policies affecting private investments in the agricultural sector; policies dealing with the restructuring of the Kenya National Agriculture Research System, and policies related to fertiliser market development.
Agribusiness Development (USAID) 1982
The project provided background information on Kenya's agribusiness sector. The study formed the basis for the Aid Programme in USAID's "Country Development Strategy" for the financial year 1984.
Horticultural Development in Kenya (GOK) 1982
This project examined the domestic and export markets for Kenya's horticultural products. It involved the analysis of the domestic and global supply and demand trends for fresh and processed horticultural products, export prices, costs competition, market channels and infrastructure. Recommendations on strategies to promote the production and marketing of horticultural produce were developed.