




Capability Statement


Micro and Small Enterprise Development

Micro-Private Enterprise Development (Micro-PED) - Financial Component (USAID) 1997-2000

The Group, in association with Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI), provided technical assistance to Kenya’s micro-enterprise lending institutions to increase their sustainable delivery of financial services to micro-enterprises. The work comprised assessments of the lending operations of selected institutions, workshops and seminars for upgrading micro-enterprise financial institutions operations, strengthening a network of micro-finance institutions, compiling a database of technical assistance sources and providing advice and assistance to USAID in various aspects of project implementation.

Micro-Private Enterprise Development (Micro-PED) - Agribusiness Subsector Development (USAID) 1997-2000

The Group conducted extensive market and feasibility analysis of specific enterprise opportunities in four agribusiness sub-sectors (oilseeds, dairy, animal feeds, fruits and vegetables) in central Kenya, to identify those with the greatest potential for promoting new jobs and small business creation and growth in Kenya’s informal sector. This analysis was a critical input into the US$1.3 million project. A computerised monitoring system to track enterprise and job creation, and Micro-PED’s indirect impact in central Kenya was also developed.

USAID Private Enterprise Strategy Development (USAID) 1995

The project involved a background analysis of Kenya's private sector, both formal and informal, and assessed the impact of recent policy changes on the performance of the sector. The analysis was used as an input into USAID's 1995-2000 strategy for private sector development.

Agribusiness Sub-sector Study (USAID) 1994-95

Using rapid appraisal techniques, the study identified key opportunities and constraints for micro-enterprise development in the agribusiness sub-sector. The study was used to design USAID’s Micro-PED project which began implementation in 1997.

Evaluation of the Kenya Rural Enterprise Program (K-REP) (USAID) 1994

The Group provided a consultant under sub-contract to a US firm to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of K-REP, one of the leading NGO's supporting small businesses in Kenya. The consultant examined the socio-economic impact of K-REP's credit delivery to micro-enterprises throughout Kenya.

Design of Loan Guarantee System for Emerging Small Scale Enterprises (ODA) 1991

The Group provided a short-term consultant to support the ODA consultant in the design of a loan guarantee scheme, with a major international bank in Kenya (Barclays Bank Group) for emerging small scale Kenyan enterprises.

Our Experience