




Capability Statement


Public Enterprise Reform

Transaction Advisory Services(Assistance for Selecting Terminal Operators)-(Kenya Ports Authority)-2012

This assignment was undertaken in association with Oriental Consultants Co. Ltd, The Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan, and Nippon Koel Co. Ltd. The study requires the advisory firms to assist the Project Executing Agency-Kenya Ports Authority(KPA) and the eventually Government of Kenya in successfully introducing the most suitable Private Sector Participation(PSP) into the operation of the New Terminal in line with the government policy of landlord port system and for the full benefit of KPA in terms of improving such operational factors as: Efficiency, productivity and port performance; Reducing the financial and administrative burden by employing private sector resources; and Generating increased revenue and reducing public investment

Review and Update of Port Master Plan Study of the Port of Mombasa Including Development of Free Trade Zone (Kenya Port Authority) 2008

M.A. Consulting Group successfully finalized this assignment which required a review and update of the Port Master Plan involving providing a comprehensive review of the port’s development opportunities and a detailed and thorough analysis of its constraints. The activities carried out entailed collection of data and conducting traffic forecast for Kenya and eight transit countries, review of previous studies, research into economic trends affecting port service demand, Review of planning information and shipping line strategies, analysis of Mombasa’s potential as a trans-shipment hub, preparation of an investment plan and marketing strategy , review of recommendations of the existing Mater Plan in the light of new developments and Development of a Free trade Zone.

Development of a Business Plan for the Pyrethrum Board of Kenya (PBK) for the Ministry of Agriculture. (World Bank/Ministry of Agriculture Marketing and Livestock Development) 2006

The objective of the assignment was to develop a business plan for the PBK. The task included an analysis of PBK’s financial position and development of financial projections based on future changes. The debt obligations of the PBK were reviewed in a bid to recommend options on how best to reduce the debt. This included a consideration of cost cutting measures.
An assessment of PBK’s marketing strategy was performed to gauge its suitability based on a market and competitor analysis. Finally, the task called for a recommendation of appropriate options for the conversion of the Pyrethrum Processing Company into a public company.

Study to Establish the Status of Agricultural Sector Reforms with Emphasis to Regulatory and Institutional Reforms (Presidents Office, Planning and Privatization, Tanzania) 2006

The objective of this assignment, currently under implementation, was to carry out a comprehensive review of the agricultural sector reforms that have so far been undertaken in Tanzania since 1983, identify gaps between policy formulation and implementation taking into account the current agricultural context, and propose appropriate measures and approaches to address identified gaps. The outputs of this study will provide Agricultural Sector Lead Ministries and other stakeholders in Tanzania with a comprehensive reference point from where further institutional and regulatory reforms can be developed and implemented.

Institutional Development Support to Lake Victoria North and Central Water Services Boards, and Nzoia Water Company in the Development of their 5 Year Strategic Plans (GTZ/Ministry of Water and Irrigation - Water Sector Reform Programme) 2005

Institutional development support was provided in the development of the Strategic Plans of Lake Victoria North and Central Water Services Board; and the Nzoia Water Services Company. The Strategic Plans were developed through a participatory process involving the Directors and Senior Managers of these institutions This project was sponsored by The Ministry of Water & Irrigation/German Technical Cooperation Water Sector Reform Program (MWI/GTZ WSRP)

Review of Kenya’s National Drug Policy (World Bank/ MOH) 2005

This study, funded by the World Bank, was carried out in collaboration with Euro Health Group of Denmark. The assignment focused on updating the National Drug Policy of Kenya, which was last done in 1994. A detailed review and assessment of the national policy and the legal/regulatory framework for pharmaceuticals in Kenya in relation to the proposed reform strategies of the Government was done. Recommendations were made on how the pharmaceutical reform efforts of the GOK may be augmented, supported, and monitored, and how the national drug policy may be updated.

Master Plan Development and Institutional Assessment of the Port of Mombasa (Kenya Ports Authority) 2004-2005)

The study, which was carried out in collaboration with the Royal Haskoning of Netherlands, focused on the development of a Master Plan and Institutional Assessment for the Port of Mombasa, including its hinterland connections. Also, the development of an Export Processing Zone was reviewed. Activities executed included import and export demand forecasting for domestic and transit traffic until the year 2025, assessment of a number of Port Development options in terms of port clustering and port layout, Business Planning, trade forecasting, facility planning, cost estimates; institutional aspects concerning the implementation of the Landlord principle and PPP options, and financial analyses.

Tariff Study for the Port of Mombasa (Kenya Ports Authority) 2004-2005

Royal Haskoning of Netherlands in association with the M. A. Consulting Group, were retained to review the port’s tariff strategy for the provision of port services. The tariff study consisted of an international benchmark study and the development of a financially sustainable tariff model and a baseline analysis from which the options for an optimal long-term tariff structure were developed.

Development of Legal and Institutional Structures for NEPAD
(NEPAD Kenya Secretariat) - Feb 2004 to April 2004

M.A. Consulting Group, through its institutional development expert, assisted the NEPAD Kenya Secretariat to develop a strategic institutional and programmatic framework. The outputs of the assignment were: the development of legal and institutional structures and positioning of NEPAD Kenya within the national policy and institutional landscape, and; development of the core functions and rules governing the National Steering Committee and the Secretariat.

Uganda Plan for the Modernization of Agriculture Public Expenditure Analysis; Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Government of Uganda) 2001

The firm was commissioned to support the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries in ensuring that all relevant public expenditures were consistent with the principles and objectives set out in the Plan for the Modernization of Agriculture (PMA) and contributed towards the efficient and effective achievement of PMA targets. Actual tasks encompassed a review of on-going programs and projects and their expenditures, supporting the development of MAAIF spending plans for priority functional areas, supporting the development of the Agriculture Sector Budget Framework Paper (SBFP) 2002/03, identifying institutional reforms and adjustments to implement spending plans for agriculture and assisting the government in developing a draft action plan for follow-on activities.

Development of Institutional and Legal Framework for Lake Victoria Basin East African Community / Swedish International Development Agency – 2000 – 2001

M.A. Consulting Group’s institutional development expert participated in a multi-national Consultancy Team comprising: Agrisystems (E.A.) and Natura Consult of Sweden to facilitate the development of the Institutional and legal framework for the sustainable development of Lake Victoria and its Basin.

Study of Commercialisation and Private Sector Participation Options for Water and Sanitation In Urban and Peri-Urban Areas in Kenya. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Water Resources Urban Water Group: World Bank / UNDP; RWSG – ESA; GTZ – UWASAM and BADC – 2000

M.A. Consulting Group’s institutional development expert associated with Development Impact Consultants in the study of commercialisation and private sector participation options for water and sanitation in urban and peri-urban areas in Kenya. This study was commissioned by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources – Water Resources Urban Water Group The outcome was the development of options in private sector involvement in the delivery of water and sanitation services.
Study of the Legal, Institutional and Operational Management of Ten Towns in Kenya

Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Water Development Department / Japan International Cooperation Agency : 2000 – 2001

M.A. Consulting Group, through its institutional development expert, participated in a consulting consortium that undertook the study of legal and institutional strengthening of 10 local towns. The project involved a with a view to recommending options in the effective management of water supply systems (and sewerage systems where applicable) in these areas: rehabilitation of the supply infrastructure; rationalization of operations and maintenance systems and practices; and the overall institutional development options were important aspects of this study.

Consultancy to Develop Ministerial/ Departmental Strategic Plans (GOK/World Bank) 2004-2005

The Group was tasked by the Civil Service Reform Programme of the Office of the President with assistance from the World Bank to Develop Ministerial/ Departmental Strategic Plans for the Ministries of Agriculture; Livestock and Fisheries Development; Water and Irrigation; and, Environment and Natural Resources. This involved the development of strategic plans for the four ministries and in particular, made recommendations on the ministries’ organisational structures and human resources complement, the Impact of HIV/AIDS on productivity, Human Resources Planning and Expenditure, Costs of implementing the outlined strategies with reference to the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (2003/04/05/06), and coverage of the Anti-corruption activities that the Ministries’ intended to undertake to eliminate corruption.

Preparation of Business Plans for Units that are viable for Employee Participation (Tanzania Harbours Authority) 2002

THA Management contracted Deloitte & Touche and M.A. Consulting Group to identify suitable business units which were based on the findings of Rotterdam Maritime Group, recommend business plans and prepare bid documents for the viable units. The consultants put together a team that reviewed the consultant’s privatisation report, carried out a legal due diligence of and interviewing two potential vehicles for employee/management participation in the privatisation process, executed a diagnostic review of selected business units and prepared business plans for three selected business units.

Strategic Plan Framework (Kenya Wildlife Service) 2000

M.A was contracted to develop a strategic plan framework for the Kenya Wildlife Services, the national organisation mandated to conserve wildlife and biodiversity in Kenya; and develop organisational structures and approaches to human resource development.

Commercialisation of the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) 1999

The firm was awarded a contract to assist the Kenya Bureau of Standards transform itself into a market responsive provider of services on standards development, testing and quality assurance services on a profitable basis. This involved the development of a commercialisation strategy for KEBS and facilitating the preparation of a detailed Corporate Strategic Plan for the commercialised organisation.

Commercialisation of the National Cereals & Produce Board (NCPB)
(GOK/World Bank) 1996-98

Agriconsult provided technical services to commercialise the NCPB in line with the government’s policy to liberalise grain marketing. A detailed restructuring plan to cover management, staffing, operations and finance was developed and is being implemented. Agriconsult sub-contracted ACIL Australia Pty Ltd. to provide specialised grain business expertise, in this major two-year assignment, which was part of the conditionality between the Government of Kenya, the World Bank and the IMF.

Organisational restructuring and institutional development (Kenya Railways Corporation) 1995-1997

The study involved the management of the reform process in this corporation with emphasis on: Strategic Planning, Organisational Restructuring, Job Evaluation, Commercialisation and Privatisation of Operations, Management of Change and Pre-retirement Training and counselling.

Restructuring Study on the Kenya Tea Development Authority (KTDA) and other Tea Sector Institutions (GOK/World Bank) 1995/96

This study involved the preparation of a comprehensive Tea Sector Policy statement; recommendations on an appropriate legislative and regulatory framework to create a conducive environment for all tea sector participants; and proposals on restructuring the KTDA, which included clarification of its ownership status and options for its privatisation.

Kenya Ports Authority Implementation Strategy (KPA) 1995/96

The assignment’s objective was to assist the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) to develop and implement a Corporate Strategy to improve the efficiency of operations at the port of Mombasa. The assignment involved an assessment of the economic and operational efficiency of port activity; human resource and training needs; organisation and management structure as well as the current information systems and future requirements.

Kenya Ports Authority Restructuring Study (GOK/World Bank) 1995

This study examined the legal, financial, economic and operational requirements for KPA to restructure its activities in line with the government's privatisation program. The Group worked as a subcontractor to the Hickling Corporation of Canada.

Study of Management Contracts in Kenya's Parastatals (World Bank) 1993

This was an input into the World Bank's comprehensive global study of public enterprise reform. It involved thorough case studies of some management contracts of Kenya's parastatals as an input to the Bank’s privatisation program and policy work.

Parastatals in Kenya - An Assessment of their Impact and an Action Plan for Reform (USAID) 1992

This major privatisation study was undertaken by the Group in conjunction with SRI-International, Washington, for the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM). The study was used by KAM as a major analytical component in their policy dialogue with the government.

Accounting and Financial Study of Ugandan Parastatals (GOU) 1984-1986

The study, lasting for over one year, involved a review of accounting, financial management, and viability of Ugandan parastatals and included policy recommendations for improving performance in the sector. Ngure Mwaniki of the Group was the Team-Leader for Phase I of this study, which involved a team of 18 international and regional consultants for a period of one- and-a-half years, under sub-contract with Continental Development Associates, Inc.

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